As the news of the #nightworkercharter was released with the midnight dispatch on #ZeroDiscrimination Day, I kept a moment of silence for the Ukrainian lives lost in defending their country. Join me now.
Thanks to the following people who volunteered to translate this news release:

Into French: 
Céline Cantat | Sciences Po Paris & Marie MARTIN | Member of the Euro-African network Migreurop

Into Romanian: 
Andreea-Raluca Leru | Agentia pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Nord-Est

If you wish to translate the Nightworker Charter in your native tongue please get in touch. Volunteers needed!

Launched on 1 March, the Nightworker Charter highlights the need to recognise the contribution of all nightworkers in our societies. It will seek to put nighttime workers on equal footing with their daytime counterparts. 

La Charte des Travailleurs/ses de Nuit  affirme le besoin de reconnaître la contribution des travailleuses et travailleuses de nuit dont de nombreuses personnes migrantes, à nos sociétés. Elle demande que toutes les travailleurs et travailleuses, de jour comme de nuit, soient sur un pied d’égalité. 

Carta lucrătorilor de noapte  subliniază necesitatea de a recunoaște contribuția lucrătorilor de noapte în societățile noastre – mulți dintre aceștia fiind migranți, și, astfel, punerea lucrătorilor pe timp de noapte pe picior de egalitate cu omologii lor de zi. 

This interview in Romanian was taken by Venera Dimulescu at Scena9 and it is entitled "They work when the body asks to rest." (tr. from Romanian: „Ei muncesc atunci când corpul cere odihnă.”). Thank you for linking the Nightworker Charter to Scena9 readers, some who have become signatories.

Media and other platforms: 
​​​​​​​For anything related to the Nightworker Charter or if you’re willing to publish an op-ed on the local, regional or national media, please email

We’re looking for journalists willing to cover this subject via an online interview or in person. You can reach us at or + 44 7412 802 447.
Praise for the Nightworker Charter
"Thanks for all the work you do to make a difference."
Nancy Gonlin, Professor of Anthropology, Bellevue College, WA, USA.

"A great and long overdue project."
 Samuel Weeks, Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Thomas Jefferson University and Exertions Associate Editor

"Proud to support the Nightworker Charter."

Migrant Voice UK

"This is great work. I just signed the Nightworker Charter proposals." 🥳

Mariko Hayashi, Executive Director, Southeast and East Asian Centre

"This is an important initiative.
Read and sign the charter." 

Alessio Kolioulis,  Urbanist. Lecturer Urban Economic Development, The Bartlett, University College London

"Great work!"

Zrinka Bralo, CEO Migrants Organise

"GREAT initiative. I am happy and proud to be supporting it in any way I can!!!"

Eva Fodor, Professor of Gender Studies & Pro-Rector for Foresight and Analysis, Central European University


Violetta Zentai, Associate Professor &  Co-Lead, Inequalities and Democracy Workgroup
Central European University

"Kudos for this great initiative! 
I support it full heartedly!"

Andreea-Raluca Leru, Expert at North-East Regional Development Agency (RO)

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